Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cereal Party

January 22nd we had a "cereal party" with Cream of Wheat in honor of Ryan and his milestone of starting rice cereal. Jeff said that a Cream of Wheat party sounded disgusting...Turns out he was right (he usually is).

Fun, but not so appetizing if you don't eat your Cream of Wheat right away...you know what I mean. Yep, cement. One of our friends was too embarrassed to tell me that hers no longer even jiggled & she tried to eat it that way...gross.

But those who ate theirs right away seemed happy, and the tablecloth to color on was fun even if the food wasn't (although I am a huge Cream of Wheat fan).

Most importantly, Ryan loved the rice cereal - probably because he could hardly even taste it because it was so diluted AND he was starving. Or maybe he takes after his mother in her love for food - all food.

No highchair yet. The more messy the more fun, right?

He was only mad when we couldn't give it to him fast enough - next time we should try an ice cream scoop.

We're so proud of our little guy. Cereal today, steak tomorrow (spoken like a true Texan).

1 comment:

  1. He is getting so big! I'm glad he likes the cereal. Breckyn hated it at first. She would never eat it plain so I would always have to mix it with her food. That's fun that you guys made a party out of it. And I can't believe he is 6 months! Time sure does fly by. Hope all is well with you guys!
