Monday, February 21, 2011

A trip to the Aquarium

February 12th we went to the Aquarium together. We had been with Jeff's family when they were in town, but hadn't been back since then. It was so much fun to spend some time together with our little family. So often we try to throw little parties or have some friends over. It was so nice to spend some time having fun together, just the 3 of us.

And the award for the strangest thing we saw there goes to the alligator snapping turtle.

Ryan was exhausted and we kept thinking he would fall asleep in his stroller, but he proved us wrong. He did fall asleep on the way home, however. He got about 10 minutes of napping in before a car hit us. Just a fender bender - but it could have been so much worse.

It was Ryan's first car accident. Jeff had slowed down with the flow of traffic, I guess the woman behind us didn't see that traffic was slowing ahead...the rest is history. She was driving an older truck and the accident left her bumper dislodged on the sides, and only left paint on our car. There were a few little kids in the truck she was driving; everyone was ok.

Immediately after getting hit Jeff pulled over to the emergency lane and I ran to the back of the car to check out Ryan. He cried briefly when it happened, but I never even heard the car seat budge. I unbuckled him and he was smiling at me, standing up on my legs, cooing - acting like himself. I was so so grateful. I wonder if at times there are angels protecting us without us knowing it. I believe so.

1 comment:

  1. That is awesome that they have dolphins at that aquarium! Ryan looks so much bigger than at Christmas time! Well, it looks like you guys are continually staying busy and having fun, as always. Sorry to hear about your fender bender! That is like my worst nightmare. Glad that everything was okay with little Ryan and you guys. See you soon!
