Friday, August 27, 2010

'Night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite

Ryan is 2 weeks old today! He is so precious and we love having him around! It seems like he has been a part of our family for such a long time now - crazy that 2 weeks ago I was in the hospital delivering him.

He had his 2 week checkup today! He weighed 8 lbs 9.5 oz. He has gained almost a pound since he was born. He is either a good eater or my milk is like cream - perhaps it is both.

He did great at his checkup. Only a few fussy moments. Since then he has been one sleepy boy though. He will wake up just enough to eat (although he falls asleep half way through the feeding).

So far today he will fuss for a minute when he wakes up & I'll say, "Did you decide to finally wake up Ryan?" as I pick him up. Before I can even kiss him on the cheek he is back asleep again.

Do you suppose the nice little lab tech could have injected him with a dose of Ambien as she lanced his heel for the newborn screening?

Or perhaps he heard me ask Dr. Medina if it is ok to let him sleep longer than 4 hrs at night between feedings (some nights I have to wake him up to feed him). Maybe he is trying to prove me wrong just as I was thinking he is a great sleeper at night. :)

(He was supposed to be having tummy time).

Good thing tomorrow is Saturday - so Jeff can help tonight if he decides to have an all-nighter party.


  1. It's kind of funny but he reminds me of Luke when he was a baby. He's such a cute little thing...don't you just love kissing his soft cheeks? Hope you are doing well. I keep meaning to call you but life just never seems to slow down. I'll give you a call this week.

  2. He is just so so cute! I remember when we had to do Breckyn's heal prick and it was the saddest thing ever. She did not like it at all and that was the most we had ever heard her cry and she did not stop for at least 15 minutes. I think it even made Bryce cry. Enjoy this fun little baby stage because before you know it he is going to be 18 months old and running around saying mommy, nacky. Just like Breckyn is. Hope all is well and I hope Ryan sleeps good for you tonight!

  3. hes soooo cute!! :) sorry i dont have any mothering advice or stories to share about my own children, but...i will always be happy to ooh and ahh and that cuteness of your little one:)

  4. What a cute little guy. Congratulations. Your sleeping days are pretty much gone now. I hope we get to see him at Christmas when you are here. Mindy wants to come see you in Texas. I wish we had lots of money or someone who worked for the airlines. --

  5. So my number one rule for night time is to never wake a sleeping baby!!! Carson got pricked so many time on the heel (for the whole week he was there) that he just got used to it. And like Kelly said, when Kaylee got poked Carson cried. He was not happy with that nurse and he called her mean. I wish I could come take care of you!!! Call me if you ever want to talk!!! PS thanks for putting up a picture. he is so very cute!!!
