Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A few fun adventures & a baby blessing


Jeff's family came to meet Ryan last week. It was so much fun to have them in town & we had lots of adventures together. Ryan was held, kissed, & played with all day every day. He didn't mind at all. :)

First trip to the beach! He was only out of the car long enough for the picture and for us to dip our feet in the water...but it still counts right?

First trip to the Aquarium! They have a super cool aquarium here that is right by the ocean - they even have a spiffy dolphin show

First trip to see the windmills...although he didn't wake up or get out of the car this time


Ryan's baby blessing was this last Sunday. It was wonderful, of course. I'm so thankful that Jeff holds the priesthood worthily and was able to bless Ryan. It was a sweet blessing. I just felt so overwhelmed with gratitude as Ryan was blessed - I couldn't keep the tears back. But there were no tears on Ryan's part; he slept through the whole thing. He did, however, have a nice diaper that leaked through his blessing outfit (following the blessing, thankfully) - so all of the pictures were taken in a white onesie that I had brought to church as a backup.

We forgot to take pictures outside of the this is outside of our house.

We are always admiring this little is amazing to think of how recently he was in the presence of Heavenly Father. He is our little angel.

It was SO nice to have Jeff's family in town for the baby blessing! We just love our little Ryan and it was fun to have family to share such a special occasion with. I know my family would've made it if they could've, but my mom came just after my delivery & it is expensive to fly here, plus my little brother, Todd, just left for his mission the Wednesday prior to Ryan's baby blessing.
(left to right - Carrie, Robyn, Dana, Ken, Jeff, Ryan, and I)

3 generations of Grittons

Grandma and Auntie Robyn with Ryan

So photogenic! He is having more & more random fun! You'll have to excuse the legs in the background - these moments can't be planned, you know.

He is so easy to love!

We hope all is well for all of you. We miss the Grittons already & we're excited for the Neeleys to meet him - but we will see all of you at Christmas. I'm sure the next few months will fly by & we will continue to post lots of pictures for all y'all.


  1. He is already looking bigger. I totally remember the blowout days. The one day I forgot a change of clothes is the time she decided to blowout not only all over her but also all over me. So gross! Looks like you had a good time with the Grittons and did lots of fun things. Looks like Ryan had such a special blessing. Hope you guys are well!!

  2. I LOVE IT!! I love you, Jeff, and Ryan! I love the Priesthood! I love the pictures! I love the stories! I loved hearing your voice and feeling your spirit as I read your blog! I love everything about you, your family, and your future! Congratulations!! And thanks for sharing the news, stories, and pics! Ryan is ADORABLE!!! He is so blessed to have you for his mother!! I LOVE YOU!!!

  3. Hey Trish, these pictures make me sad that we can't be there! Ryan is just so kissable (and believe me, he will gets lots of kisses from his aunt Alison when you guys come to town for Christmas. My kids gets at least 150 kisses a day...guaranteed!) and we really can't wait to meet him. I've been thinking about you guys and keep hoping you are doing well and coping with everything. Been meaning to call but life never seems to slow down. Anyway, you all look great! Can't wait to see you soon!
