Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Get ready...get set...wait!

No, no baby yet...which doesn't surprise me too much, especially since this is the first one. We are scheduled for an induction tomorrow evening, however. So you can probably expect the good news on Friday (yes, Friday the 13th - and no, it doesn't bother me at all).

I figured I would catch up on the blog now that I feel like almost everything is in order for his arrival. The honest truth is that I am trying to keep my mind off of the anxious anticipation of delivery, as well as the infrequent but uncomfortable Braxton Hicks contractions that come and go.

It is so ironic to me that I am a nurse and have had labor & delivery rotations - but am still quite nervous. I guess it is because even when you know something in theory, it is so different in practice. Maybe it is actually in part because I am so familiar with possible complications and things. Jeff told me the other day that I tend to think in worst case scenarios. And I do! Not that I would consider myself a negative person - I just always want to be prepared if particular situations were to occur. Not to mention the fact that I really don't handle pain well.

There are so many emotions and feelings right now. Excitement to meet the sweet little baby that has been growing inside of me the past 9 months, nervous about delivery. But mostly hope...hope that I will be able to teach him the gospel well and love him with all of my heart, hope that I will be patient enough and have enough energy, hope that I will be able to support Jeff wholeheartedly as he goes back to school and stays busy with work, callings, and house projects. And a feeling of deep gratitude that Heavenly Father is giving us the opportunity to be parents to one of His precious spirit children.

I wonder what he will look like and what his little personality will be like.

At my appointment with the doctor on Monday I started to cry a little while she was talking to me about the induction. I was so embarrassed! I'm not usually this emotional, but she was so understanding. She was really sweet about it...handed me a box of Kleenex, put her hand on my arm and said, "You know - I understand. When my first baby was born it was the first time in my life that I felt like I had hit a wall. I had never had to face anything that hard before that I couldn't take a break and walk away from and then go back to it." She is a very competent doctor and is also compassionate and has great bedside manners. She is actually a member of the church and is in our stake (there is only 1 stake for Corpus Christi). She told me at the appointment, "Just remember - you won't be alone. I will be there and the nurses will be there. Your baby will be monitored the whole time...You just have to cast your fear aside."

Yesterday while trying to stay busy I decided to clean out the office closet while Jeff was working on my car. I came across a scripture that I had laminated and memorized a few years ago:

"Fear not thou; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." Isaiah 41:10

The words came to life and felt so specific to me and my needs at this time. I am so thankful for a Heavenly Father who knows us, loves us, and shows us His tender mercies regularly. I have thought about the words of the scripture over and over since last night, and it has helped to calm my fears and remember that I won't be facing this next phase of my life alone.

Well...this post has been a little lengthy & maybe kind of like a journal entry for me. But it helps me to write it down (or type it or whatever). But here are some pictures - of us getting ready for the baby...

A baby shower that our ward threw for me. They are amazing! They don't call them "ward families" for nothing.

The sweet member that hosted it is a recent convert & is such a good friend. She calls to check on me all of the time. She thought of everything for the shower! Including blue flowers & a baby video (that her husband made!!!).

I don't think my tummy can get much bigger. The OB thinks he will weigh about 8 lbs when born...I guess we'll see.

Jeff was feeling a little left out:

The darling nursery:

I know it looks a little plain right now - but hey, that is fresh paint on the walls (we finally finished painting - thanks Jeff!). And we are planning on getting some vinyl lettering to go on the wall & add some color. (sorry about the bright window in the background)

Closet fully stocked with adorable baby clothes (thanks everyone!!!). I even have his 72 hour kit sitting in the closet in case of hurricane evacuation (told you we're ready).

His own little book basket! I hope he loves stories...because I sure do & can't wait to start reading to him!

Well, I hope this post will do for now, until our little guy is born and then we will post dozens of pictures of the handsome little guy, I'm sure. And by then he will have a name. :)


  1. i was going to call you today to see if he was here yet:) ive been out of town until last night:) love you dear, i can hardly wait!! you will be such an amazing loving mother, and your dear child will be blessed to have you as his tender-hearted mom ,and jeff as his sweet dad:)

  2. Glad to see they are taking good care of you guys in Texas. Looks like you are all set (except, yes, you definitely need some decorations on that baby's wall!). Best of luck with everything. Hopefully the lack of sleep won't get to you :)

  3. Trish- You will be an amazing mother. You are so kind and loving, you have so much compassion and patience then anyone I know. I am not going to lie having kids is tough, you have your moments, but it is the most rewarding experience of your life. The mile stones they hit as they grow, the love grows deeper with you and your spouse. Your life never is the same, but it is more complete. I don't know what I would do with out my 4 little ones, they have brought a whole new adventure to my life that I love. Don't worry about the delivery everything will be fine and you will not be alone. I love you sweetie, good luck.

  4. The last week was the hardest for sure! I remember feeling so anxious and crying a lot because I just didn't know what was going to happen. You're strong Trisha! Hang in there! It's so worth it when it's all over. I think the waiting was harder than the actual delivery. I know you will be such a great mom, you're so sweet and kind and patient. I hope we get to meet your baby someday soon! Good luck with getting induced, that pitocin is a killer.

  5. I totally remember how I felt the day I was going to the hospital to have Breckyn. I was induced as well and they had me go in the night before so that I would be there so they could start me early in the morning. But I remember both Bryce and I were scared because the next time we were coming back home we would be bringing a little one back with us. We were so excited but we also wanted to be the best parents ever, and what if she thought we weren't. I know that you will be the best mother ever and that little baby boy is so lucky to have you and Jeff as his parents!

  6. Congrats on the baby!!! You and Jeff are going to be amazing parents! I love you guys and thanks so much for everything that you taught me while I was there. I'm a better mom because of you.

  7. Trish you and Jeff are going to be great parents. I think I am ready for some pictures of the cute little guy.

  8. Yes, ready for the pictures. Just want you to know that my tummy was a LOT bigger than yours. so yes, it could get bigger, but trust me, you don't want it to. PS, you so should have called me when you were getting nervous!! Oh how I wish you still lived here. Seriously, call me if you ever need to complain about something or talk.!!!
