Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You know you're in south Texas when...

Green fences are cool - why else would everyone have them?

You find fuzzy critters like this one hanging out in your garage. I think he loved Rojita (the red civic) as much as I do...Ok, ok, the truth is that our garage is actually quite clean and we rarely find bugs in there. This spider was determined to spend a week spinning a web on my car however...Jeff got to drive the car that week. :)

The only time you don't wear flip flops is to church on Sunday.

You use soaker hoses to water your foundation so your walls and ceiling don't crack.

Going to the temple is the best! You don't get to go often, but you cherish it when you do go...This is the Houston temple. We got to go and do a session together when Jeff went there for a business trip. I got to go twice while we were there. Loved it!!!

There are fields of windmills. They are amazing! I can't believe that they weren't fenced off and that we could drive right up to them. I can't believe how big they are - and they are small in comparison to most windmills apparently.

You venture to do your own car work the week before the baby is due. I'm not sure if that has to do with south Texas or not...but if we were in Utah we probably would've taken it to Vince, our favorite car mechanic, who never over-charges. Jeff did a great job - I just can't believe how complicated cars can be! Especially when it seems that it should be something so simple, but instead it ends up being several simple things - making it pretty frustrating! Jeff worked on the car for hours to get the window to work (it was only rolling down, but then wouldn't roll up).

We really love south Texas, even though I still think it is a bit quirky in some ways. We just wish that all of you could live in south Texas too! We miss all of you...especially as the baby is coming - but we promise to post lots of pictures and give him plenty of hugs and kisses on your behalf. :)

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