Saturday, April 16, 2011

On the Crawl

The lyrics are as follows:

He's on the crawl
he's on the crawl
fee fi fo fum
he's on the crawl

Yes, another silly song made up by Trisha. Trust me, it is awesome when you hear me singing it. Actually, you may just be that lucky. If I can figure out how to get the video to work that is - so stay tuned for an edited blog post with videos of him crawling.

Unfortunately, with his increase in curiosity comes increasingly larger bumps and bruises. :(

I felt so bad after this one. I felt a little less than super star mom after this one. I was cleaning his highchair tray in the kitchen while he was playing with his toys by the bookcase that he loves, when he bumped his head, just above his eye. It is so hard to see your baby crying. He had forgotten about it 5 minutes later - but it was a rough day for me. Lucky for both of us, the bumps and bruises clear up over night with a little cool compress and TLC. Really! It's amazing!

Now he is climbing all over me and trying desperately to stand.

Some of you will get to see him crawling in person soon. Lucky you, and lucky us! 2 more days until Utah, hooray!

1 comment:

  1. Fun for you that he is now crawling. Ok not really. For me, I hated the crawling stage. I would much rather have them walk. But that's just me. Breckyn got her 1st cut/black eye on her face about a month ago and it was hard on me as well. I went to the doctor and I'm sure after I left they were all making fun of me. Oh well. Fun that you guys are out in Utah! I'm sad that we missed you guys by 2 weeks. Wish we could of stayed to see you guys. Hopefully we will see you soon though!
