Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pictures, pictures, and more pictures!

Life has been pretty busy since April...

Jeff has had some condensed classes with his "Maymester" (only 2 weeks in May), and his summer semester. He is enjoying all that he is learning in the MBA program. He is also busy mentoring (unofficially) the new hires at work while working on his other projects. Not to mention being a daddy and a husband. :)

Ryan is busy cruising around all over the place. He loves to hold on to the back of my legs and walk with me. Sure slows things down a bit while trying to do normal household cleanup and such, but is oh so much fun! He is testing his limits and seeing how much his little body can do. He follows me around everywhere. I love that he loves me. It is definitely a mutual feeling. :)

I have been busy keeping up with Ryan, trying to do the normal daily stuff, and keeping up with the Young Women. Back in April the Bishop asked me to serve in Young much fun!!! And busy, yes.

And now for pictures...


Wheeler Farm (Aunt Carrie, Grandma Dana, and Aunt Robyn with Ryan)

Carrie - somehow you got squished behind me...sorry

Carl Bloch Exhibit in Provo (Aunt Tara and Grandma Karen)

The blossoms on the trees were sooo pretty! And the exhibit was awesome!

Cousin Luke with Ryan

Aunt Carrie

Aunt Tara and Uncle Ben

Aunt Alison and Uncle Darren with cousins Luke and Edison

My mom is so cute with her grandkids - she was under the table with them, eating popcorn. Periodically she would reach her hand up and pound on the top of the table and playfully exclaim, "The monsters are coming! The monsters are coming!" All the kids would laugh, scream, and run away...they had so much fun! Ryan's only complaint was that he didn't get to eat any of the popcorn :) This was all before her two visits to the hospital for hernias that needed repair. My poor mom. She is a trooper. And she is amazing! I'm glad she is feeling better...Although I don't know that she should crawl under the table and eat popcorn anymore (at least not for a little while)

Playing with Jenga blocks with grandma Dana. He had lots of fun with grandma Dana as well

Silly Ryan...don't eat them :)

In May we found out that the Grahams (Ronnie and Tiffney), our good friends from down the street will be moving :( They adore and spoil Ryan. They bought this little red car for him. He loves it!

Jeff and I celebrated our birthdays. Somehow I didn't get a picture on Jeff's birthday. Sorry sweetheart

Some good friends, the Bumpas family, were sealed in the temple in San Antonio in May. It was so neat to be there! We love them!!!

Like I said...Ryan is my little buddy these days. He helps me with all of the chores. Lets hope his love for doing dishes and laundry sticks with him throughout his life :)

We got toilet papered for the first time (I think it is how the Young Women show their affection):)

Jeff's mom and sisters came into town in June. It was SO nice to have them here! We had so much fun AND they were a huge help while I had girls camp going on.

Ryan turned 10 months...crazy! (A good excuse to eat cake...some day you'll get some Ryan)

Ryan has maintained his 19.8 lbs for a few months it seems...and the rolls haven't gone anywhere. My favorite roll is the one above his knee
(Adorable, isn't it?)

A trip to the beach

We let Ryan put his feet in this time and he loved it!

The Aquarium

As you can tell - we have been having lots and lots of fun here. Hope everyone else is doing well and having enjoying all of the great and wonderful things this life has to offer. We love y'all! :)


  1. It was fun to see some updated pics! Ryan is so cute and looks like a pretty good mix of the two of you. The aquarium looks like a fun place to visit and I wish I could be at the beach! Hope you guys are having a fun summer...we are staying busy as usual here.

  2. Love the update. Ryan is getting so big, make him stop. Loved the time we were able to spend together. Miss you and love you. Give Ryan kisses from us.

  3. Thanks for the update and all the fun photos. The one of your mom under the table with the kids is so cute! It reminds me of my mom, who was always sooo good with the kids. Good job, Grandma Karen!

  4. Thanks for the lovely visit too! We had a great time and really enjoyed getting to know little Ryan. He is a cutie!
