Sunday, September 20, 2009

TX Updates

It's Sunday evening & Jeff is at a Priesthood meeting, so I thought I would take the chance to do a little blogging. Here's what we've been up to lately:

  • Jeff finished his "green belt" training in his Six Sigma course. I don't totally understand what Six Sigma is, but as far as I can tell - it is a proven approach for improving measurable results in an organization. But don't ask me more than will have to ask Jeff.
  • I accepted and started a full time job. Wahoo!!! I'm working for a pediatric practice locally. They have 3 offices (I work at all 3), but none of them take longer than 1/2 hr to get to. I count myself lucky to not have to deal with crazy Dallas traffic. So far so good. It is much slower paced, but still busy enough...which I really appreciate. You can check out their website at
  • My car is in the shop (yes, again). It is making some metal grinding types of noises, as well as the screeching when it accelerates, the little chirp when I hit any bumps (I guess something is loose? or maybe a bird really is trapped in the engine), and the loud clunking noise when I turn right or hit a pothole...Hmm...I've loved my little Civic, but maybe it is time to part....I guess we'll see.
  • We celebrated our anniversary on Friday. Seems a little early, I know, but Jeff had a brilliant idea to celebrate when we got engaged, since our anniversary will always be busy with holidays & families. We went to a nice restaurant, the Grand Lux. Jeff was allergic to something & spent most of the time congested, sneezing, blowing his nose, & somewhat miserable. Poor Jeff. But good food none the less.
  • The kids in my Primary class are doing SO much better (behavior wise). Maybe it is because they are trying to earn a pizza party? But more likely because their parents got phone calls a few weeks ago. Regardless, it was so nice to be able to feel the Spirit & be able to bear my testimony about temples today. The kids even shared some of their own experiences related to temples. I'm so grateful to be in the Primary! I love those kids! I think they even like Primary more now that I am more "firm."
  • Jeff played Dodge Ball with the Young Men Wednesday, won 2 rounds, but couldn't walk for 3 days.
  • We have new equipment in the workout room. Jeff and I are going to get up & run in the mornings (mornings & I don't go well, so we'll see how long it lasts for).
  • I can hear the crickets chirping it!
  • Jeff gets better and better looking every day! (I should just call him "the hunktionator" pronounced "hunk" "shun" "ate" "or").
  • Sorry, no cute pics to post this time.


  1. Thats exciting you stated a new job! I'm sure its kinda nice to be working again. I remember when we moved out here to colorado it took me awhile to find a job and the break was nice but then it was also nice to go back to give me something to do. We also just celebrated our anniversay and just got back today. Bryce did that same thing a couple of years ago on our anniversary and ate a nut that was cooked into the bread. Totally ruined our anniversary. Not fun at all.

  2. hello grittons! We got your card, it was good to hear from you! It sounds like you're having a good time in Texas. In response to your question...we DO have a . It's more of our work but we put personal stuff up sometimes.
