Friday, March 9, 2012

A New Chair

A New Chair

This may seem like a really silly post to some of you. But for those of you who live off of garage sales, craigslist, thrift stores, and friends who will understand.

The first new piece of furniture we have bought (as in not used) since we have been married.

A super comfy, super-sized rocking chair recliner.
(Ryan with his friend, Brooklyn)

I was starting to feel the neck and back strain of trying to rock Ryan as he was getting bigger & bigger. He was really fighting falling asleep after we got home from Christmas in SLC. We knew we needed to do something get a rocking chair.

And so we did. :) Jeff's grandfather is so sweet and generous; he gave us some money for Christmas that we put toward the chair. Thanks for helping to save our necks, backs, and sanity grandpa Wally!

Ryan loves the chair. When it is time for bed he falls asleep easily in it, he loves reading in it when daddy gets home from work (while mommy  makes dinner), even mommy usually takes a little snooze (not intentionally) while rocking Ryan to sleep - it is sooo comfy.

Hooray for a new chair!

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