Friday, March 9, 2012

Laurels that I love

This is a picture of a Laurel activity "chopped" at our house (there are more Laurels - these are just the ones that could make it to the activity). The girls were so creative. It was fun!

I am so grateful that I get to work with the awesome youth in our ward! I really do feel honored to be able to interact with them often and try to teach them and be an example. Really they are the ones who teach me most of the time. :)

I was called to be Young Women President last May. I was terrified. I always thought it would not be easy for me to work with the youth. Would I be able to relate to them well? Would I understand them & what they are going through & be able to deal with all of the challenges?

But it has been a huge blessing. I am not going to lie...sometimes it is challenging. Ok, usually. But we have been so blessed! :) Ryan and daddy have been able to spend some quality time together Wednesday nights or when there are other activities - which has been a blessing for them too I think.

I have learned so much about myself - mostly recognizing my weaknesses - which is a good thing & has taught me to rely on the Lord more completely. I have gained strength from the testimonies of the young women and their faith, I have cried tears of feeling overwhelmed on multiple occassions, I have cluttered our 3rd bedroom with Young Women stuff in a matter of seconds, I have felt true love and concern for the girls, I have felt honored to be with them - feeling of their divine potential to do so much good in the Kingdom of the Lord, I have text more than I did in the past 2 years combined probably, and through it all I have tried to hug Ryan a little tighter and remember that no matter how busy it seems at times there is only 1 calling I will never be released from: wife and mother (ok - I guess that is 2). :)

It has been a rollercoaster of emotions for me. How thankful I am for a patient, loving Heavenly Father that knows my strengths and weaknesses perfectly. How thankful I am that He trusts me to raise one of His spirit children, even with all of those weaknesses. How thankful I am that He trusts me to work with the amazing youth in our ward. How thankful I am for experiences that help us to learn to rely upon the Lord and find strength in Him. How thankful I am for the programs of the church. The Young Women Program is amazing! The whole purpose of the program is to help the girls to come unto the Savior and prepare to make and keep temple covenants and prepare for their future roles as wife and mother. The church is just amazing!

There are so many evidences to me that this is truly the Church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. Mostly because I feel it in my heart when I take the time to slow down and study the scriptures, turn to Him in prayer, and go to the temple. I love Him. In the past few years with Jeff doing night school, busy callings for both of us, changes in employment for Jeff, and a busy baby/toddler - I have learned that there is no substitute for spending time with the Lord. It is so easy to get swept away in all of the good responsiblities and simply crowd out time to study the scriptures, ponder/reflect, and pray. That is when things don't go as well. That is when I feel more discouraged and overwhelmed, less at peace. I have learned that there is a difference between a quick (or sleepy) reading of a few verses of scripture & slowing down to remember why I am doing what I am doing - and trying to come to the Lord. Sometimes it doesn't even take extra time - just extra attention, perspective/focus, and a little more effort and desire.

There is so much that is so good and beautiful in the world. I am just thankful to be a part of it all. :)

A New Chair

A New Chair

This may seem like a really silly post to some of you. But for those of you who live off of garage sales, craigslist, thrift stores, and friends who will understand.

The first new piece of furniture we have bought (as in not used) since we have been married.

A super comfy, super-sized rocking chair recliner.
(Ryan with his friend, Brooklyn)

I was starting to feel the neck and back strain of trying to rock Ryan as he was getting bigger & bigger. He was really fighting falling asleep after we got home from Christmas in SLC. We knew we needed to do something get a rocking chair.

And so we did. :) Jeff's grandfather is so sweet and generous; he gave us some money for Christmas that we put toward the chair. Thanks for helping to save our necks, backs, and sanity grandpa Wally!

Ryan loves the chair. When it is time for bed he falls asleep easily in it, he loves reading in it when daddy gets home from work (while mommy  makes dinner), even mommy usually takes a little snooze (not intentionally) while rocking Ryan to sleep - it is sooo comfy.

Hooray for a new chair!
 Our Anniversary
December 30, 2011

3 years ago Jeff and I were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple. Best decision ever! :) We have certainly had times of bliss and times of trial - usually a little of both intertwined. How grateful I am for Jeff, he truly is my "help meet" in every sense of the word. I am looking forward to the rest of our lives together and into the eternities. I am excited to see what adventures lie ahead. And I am enjoying the adventures that we are having right now. Some day we will look back with fondness as we remember the years of night school, busy church callings, and an active toddler. Life is so good.

 For my Christmas present Jeff booked the hotel room where we stayed 3 years ago. So sweet of him! It was fun to reflect on the 3 years since we were there last time. I love the bookcase that opens up to a bathroom decorated as if you are looking at a view of Washington DC in the evening, from your own patio.

Thanks for watching Ryan for us grandma Gritton!

Christmas 2011

We were lucky enough to be able to go to Salt Lake City again for Christmas. Ryan actually did pretty well on the plane rides, needed a little extra TLC to sleep through the night (which is actually kind of nice to spend the time rocking him to sleep - so long as the sleep deprivation didn't last for too long for mom & it didn't). :) He had so much fun with his grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles.

 He loves this little ball that lights up. Thanks Aunt Tara & Uncle Ben! :) He was so spoiled with gifts and love this Christmas! He got all kinds of toys that make fun noises, new books, wooden blocks & so much more. Mostly he just loved all of the attention and hugs :)

Lights on Temple Square. So beautiful! It was cold - but nothing like when we tried it in 2010 with Ryan and he was miserable! We didn't last for long in 2010. He loved it this last time; it wasn't nearly as cold and he was mesmerized by the lights.


Oh...the temple! How we love the temple! I have a special love for the Salt Lake Temple. I had the opportunity to volunteer there for a few months in 2008, it is where I received my endowment and it is where Jeff and I were sealed together. How I love it!
Someday we will live closer to a temple...someday. But we are thankful that we can do temple trips in a day's time (8hrs round trip, including time spent in the temple...really  not bad at all). We have truly come to love our San Antonio temple excursions. :) But I can't say that I don't dream about what it would be like for it to be down the street.
 Part of the Neeley clan...Mom (as in Trisha) isn't very good at getting pictures with the whole family...she will work on that... :) Left to Right: Grandma Neeley, Edison, Grandpa Neeley, Luke, Mom (Trisha), Ryan, Jeff, Unlce Darren, Aunt Tara, Uncle Ben
 Daddy, Ryan, and Aunt Carrie
 Grandpa and Grandma Gritton
 He loved when Grandma Gritton tickled him. :)
Mom even got to see one of her good friends, Clover. So fun! Friends are such a good thing! :) She got to see a few other friends...but once again, the picture thing. :)

Ryan's First Haircut

Ryan's First Haircut,
Christmas Eve 2011
Aunt Alison is a pro! Ryan actually held really still - I was so proud of him. I guess I should have taken a "before" picture - but just picture long enough to start curling just a little over his ears and in the back. :)