Thursday, October 6, 2011

General Conference

Here is what General Conference looked like at our house:
We moved one couch up closer to the computer monitor & it felt like we were just watching General Conference on TV at my parent's home in Utah. :) The other couch was utilized to block the computer (since Ryan has figured out where the on/off button is)

Ryan loved going up the computer monitor and watching whenever the choir was singing. I would try to set him on my lap, especially whenever President Monson spoke & point, saying "prophet." His attention span was about 1 second long before he would squirm out of my lap and down to his toys. But I won't stop trying. :) I keep hoping that one of these days he will figure out how to fold his arms for just a split second even; I am also really hoping that we can keep him in the chapel during all of sacrament meeting this coming Sunday. Wish us luck.

I hope you all enjoyed General Conference. It was truly amazing! I am looking forward to studying the talks. Oh, and do you all have a copy of the October 2011 Ensign? It is all about The Book of Mormon. It is absolutely amazing!!! I'm looking forward to studying it as well. I haven't fully perused it yet. Incredible though, incredible.

 As I listened to conference I felt like several of my questions that I have been seeking answers to were answered. By the end of conference I felt like my eyes were opened a little to understand some things that I needed to understand, including some changes I need to make. I want to be a better person after watching conference. It was truly what I needed. How thankful I am to be alive at a time when the gospel has been restored in its fullness & there are living prophets on the earth again. I feel so lucky.

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