Monday, September 5, 2011

The Cinnamon Roll Saga

Ryan is napping...time to update the blog as quickly as possible. :)

Starting with the sad stories first - the cinnamon roll saga.

So I love looking at this blog: They have amazing recipes on there. In all honesty I haven't tried many of them yet. I found a recipe for overnight cinnamon rolls on there, they looked amazing- thought I'd try it. The dough was soft and raised so well; then I rolled it out.

I think I pressed way too firmly while rolling. Not exactly sure what it was - but they turned out hard & didn't raise well. I was so bummed after dreaming about cinnamon rolls on Labor Day as a fun new tradition. Jeff ate 1/4 of one of them and then ate ketchup and mustard on eggs. I guess that is one way to loose weight. I hate to waste food so I put the middles of all the cinnamon rolls in the freezer with the other 6 loaves of bread that like the cinnamon rolls, taste amazing, but didn't rise.

I always dream about being amazing at baking & often have a book on baking wheat bread checked out from the library. I guess I realized this morning that I really don't have the knack for baking. Perhaps I should move on and pick a new hobby. Not to diss myself but it really is time consuming, wastes ingredients, & perhaps it is just too hard for me to learn from books & blogs. I would put pictures on but we are having a computer, printer, and ant saga in this house as well.

Oh...the adventures.

I hope that all of you are having a happy Labor Day. If you happened to make hard cinnamon rolls too don't let it ruin your day. :) Look at the bright side - we are stimulating the economy by keeping businesses like Pillsbury going & someday when we have paid off the house we will buy the expensive wheat bread, the good stuff like the stuff from Great Harvest. For now we will settle for the stuff that tastes a little bit like perfume. :)

What do you know - I did figure out how to download a picture...This day is getting better & better. We're going to the beach now. I'll post more exciting things (like pictures of adorable Ryan on his first birthday) later. Happy Labor Day!
Told you we would go to the beach :)

1 comment:

  1. i love you trisha. seriously thats all i can say. xoxoxoxo
