- Jeff finished his "green belt" training in his Six Sigma course. I don't totally understand what Six Sigma is, but as far as I can tell - it is a proven approach for improving measurable results in an organization. But don't ask me more than that...you will have to ask Jeff.
- I accepted and started a full time job. Wahoo!!! I'm working for a pediatric practice locally. They have 3 offices (I work at all 3), but none of them take longer than 1/2 hr to get to. I count myself lucky to not have to deal with crazy Dallas traffic. So far so good. It is much slower paced, but still busy enough...which I really appreciate. You can check out their website at mdpedi.com
- My car is in the shop (yes, again). It is making some metal grinding types of noises, as well as the screeching when it accelerates, the little chirp when I hit any bumps (I guess something is loose? or maybe a bird really is trapped in the engine), and the loud clunking noise when I turn right or hit a pothole...Hmm...I've loved my little Civic, but maybe it is time to part....I guess we'll see.
- We celebrated our anniversary on Friday. Seems a little early, I know, but Jeff had a brilliant idea to celebrate when we got engaged, since our anniversary will always be busy with holidays & families. We went to a nice restaurant, the Grand Lux. Jeff was allergic to something & spent most of the time congested, sneezing, blowing his nose, & somewhat miserable. Poor Jeff. But good food none the less.
- The kids in my Primary class are doing SO much better (behavior wise). Maybe it is because they are trying to earn a pizza party? But more likely because their parents got phone calls a few weeks ago. Regardless, it was so nice to be able to feel the Spirit & be able to bear my testimony about temples today. The kids even shared some of their own experiences related to temples. I'm so grateful to be in the Primary! I love those kids! I think they even like Primary more now that I am more "firm."
- Jeff played Dodge Ball with the Young Men Wednesday, won 2 rounds, but couldn't walk for 3 days.
- We have new equipment in the workout room. Jeff and I are going to get up & run in the mornings (mornings & I don't go well, so we'll see how long it lasts for).
- I can hear the crickets chirping outside...love it!
- Jeff gets better and better looking every day! (I should just call him "the hunktionator" pronounced "hunk" "shun" "ate" "or").
- Sorry, no cute pics to post this time.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
TX Updates
It's Sunday evening & Jeff is at a Priesthood meeting, so I thought I would take the chance to do a little blogging. Here's what we've been up to lately:
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Life's Lessons 101:
Question: So what would happen if I accidentally put 1/2 tsp baking soda in my sugar cookie dough instead of baking powder? (this is all hypothetical of course)
Answer: Don't get distracted when you get to that part of the recipe (or else your husband might have to run to WalMart to buy cookies before Enrichment starts).

Life Lesson learned: I guess doing the little things right does matter...unless you don't really care what the end result is.
Hmm...Maybe I could share that with my Primary kids on Sunday. As long as I'm not sharing the cookies. I don't think they need any more sugar. :0)
Answer: Don't get distracted when you get to that part of the recipe (or else your husband might have to run to WalMart to buy cookies before Enrichment starts).
Life Lesson learned: I guess doing the little things right does matter...unless you don't really care what the end result is.
Hmm...Maybe I could share that with my Primary kids on Sunday. As long as I'm not sharing the cookies. I don't think they need any more sugar. :0)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Texas Summer Highlights
Texas Summer Highlights
Highlight #1: Getting settled in. The blue bags of trash were all packing paper to be recycled
Highlight #2: Dallas Temple
Highlight #3: Outdoor concert and fireworks (& a beautiful sunset)
Highlight #4: Having Robyn (Jeff's sister)
Right: We went to a "Rough Riders" (semi-professional baseball team here) game. We're all wearing our
"Rough Riders" hats.
Highlight #5: 4th of July. We went with some friends to see fireworks. While we waited we played a round of our favorite game, "Lost Cities." It was our first victory against Craig & Michelle. They were only selling pest control for the summer & are back at BYU now. We miss t
Highlight #6: Donating our old kitchen table and getting a "new" one off craigslist. You may be wondering where the table is that we donated...I'll give you a hint...Jeff is sitting on it in the picture. We've found that lots of things are multi-functional. We do miss the filing cabinet, but love having a kitchen table made of wood instead of metal. :0)
Highlight #7: Jeff participating in a screaming contest sponsored by a Spanish radio station here. He hit 126 decibels. Wow! I'm so proud of my little screamer! He earned us a $100 gift certificate at the auto shop, "Viva Mexico!"
In short...we've had a wonderful summer!
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