Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ryan's first trip to the ER

Ryan's first trip to the ER
December 4, 2011

This isn't really my favorite post...but I'm sure that I will want to remember this someday.

Ryan was being a little too loud during the sacrament so Jeff took him out to the foyer. He was walking around out there and tripped near the entrance, hitting his forehead on the brick outcropping around the door. He hit the sharp corner of the brick, as you can tell from the pictures, which split the skin right open. It was a about an inch or so above his left eye.

We felt considerably blessed - he could have hit the back of his head or the side of his head and then there would have been much more concern and many more tears and emotions I am certain. He was playing and acting like himself again by the time we got to the ER and I there was no worry of skull fractures or anything of the like - we didn't even do x-rays. Just some dermabond (glue) and steristrips.

He does have a red scar now, but the scarring probably would have been even worse with stitches. I am just so grateful that he is ok and that Heavenly Father was watching out for us that day. It is amazing how many times I have seen His hand in protecting our family (especially little Ryan) recently...ok I was going to save those stories for another time. But when? I might as well just tell the stories now.

So we were at the grocery store about a month ago. Ryan was sitting in the cart, buckled in and would occassionally reach over and touch my arm when I wasn't looking at him & he wanted my attention. I was looking for something particular on a shelf & walked a few steps from the cart. There was no one else on the aisle & he was buckled & happy so I figured there was no harm in doing so, right? When I walked those few steps back to the cart (still looking at the shelves though) I felt him reach over and touch my arm - but this time it felt a little different. It was more like a grab my arm & I felt like I should look at him. I looked over to see him standing in the cart and arching his little body over to me. I quickly grabbed him. I still don't know if he somehow unbuckled the belt or it just hadn't snapped completely into place or what. But I feel that once again Heavenly Father was watching out for us.

Then last week at the grocery store. (Now you know why I avoid going to the store, right?). We had just finished shopping, which wears us both out since I often end up holding him for a good chunk of the time - and that is holding him while he is trying desperately to get out of my arms and down to the floor where there are toys or bright shiny things that look like so much more fun than being held. Anyway, we had just gotten back to the car after our shopping trip. I let him hold the car keys while I buckled him in. I often do this, then just take the keys as soon as he is buckled. He knows the rules - so he usually doesn't fuss about it. He was happy with the keys & I still needed to quickly load the groceries so I decided to let him hold the keys while I did so. I shut the door & quickly loaded the groceries...I know you see what is coming...but I just didn't think about it. Really. I was exhausted & the thought didn't even cross my mind...But you are right, he locked the car while playing with the keys - the only set of keys for that car. I stood on the outside of the car & immediately felt panicked and began to pray silently while looking at Ryan through the car window & telling him to keep pushing the buttons. Ryan got it after a few seconds - I wanted him to push buttons. So he kept pushing them. As soon as the doors unlocked I whipped the door open. Once again Heavenly Father was watching out for us.

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