Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Discoveries

Lots of new discoveries...

Walls. Loves to kick them,loves to push his legs against them.

Dresser drawers. Played with one of the knobs on a drawer the other day until it twisted right off - I was impressed.

Friends. We watched these two for a couple of days while their parents shopped for a house. Ryan LOVED having them around; we did too. They were so good to play with him and give him lots of attention.

Mom discovered that she is not so good at doing hair unless it is curly. Or is she even good at that? Hmmm...


Toy basket. Now that he is good at sitting he loves to try to pull out whatever toys he can.

Sweet Potatoes.


University of Utah.


  1. I love the open mouth deer in the headlights look in every picture! What a cute little guy! How fun to see how kids grow.

  2. Trisha! I LOVE your blog!! And your Ryan is ADORABLE! He looks like his Mama! :) But what in the world is he doing in a U of U hat?! The work of his father no doubt! Starting 'em young huh?
