Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Past Few Months

We haven't really been keeping up with the blog, as you can tell. Lots has happened over the past couple of months, here are the highlights:

DECEMBER: We found out that we are pregnant! Wahoo!!! We are thrilled & thankful for the opporunity we will soon have to be parents. We also went home for Christmas, which was SUPER fun (although I did spend a fair amount of time on the couch). We love when we get to see family!

JANUARY: Jeff's work informed him that we are being re-located to Corpus Christi Texas in March (next week actually). Jeff became quite the homemaker this month, as I couldn't do much more than work and sleep. I also got a new set of Primary kids - so fun! They combined my class with another and I got to team teach the 6-8 year olds. How I love Primary!!!

FEBRUARY: We flew to Corpus Christi for a house hunting adventure. We actually found a darling little house and made an offer on it!!! It will be perfect for our little family & we are really excited. We actually move in next week (March 17th). Dallas got 12-14 inches of snow while we were in Corpus Christi (an all-time record for them). This month we also made a trip to Oklahoma to see Jeff's brother, Bryan. We had box seats for a NBA game there, got to see the Oklahoma City Memorial, and the river walk. I would post pictures - but my camera is still taking blurry pictures & we need to find a new one - a project for another day.

MARCH: Jeff sold his car and we are looking for a new one, all the while becoming very familiar with car dealers and their sneaky sales tactics. Ugh! So grateful to not be in sales for a living. Bryan came into town to go to Six Flags one last time with Jeff this last weekend. Jeff was embarrassed to admit that he got sick after the first 3 rides. :) I guess he doesn't have the stomach for it that he used to. I finished my job February 26th and am now rapidly gaining weight (being at home and all). We find out on Monday if it's a boy or girl!!!

Looking back at the past few months we feel super blessed and are thankful for all of the blessings the Lord has and continues to pour out on us. We hope that all is going well for all of you as well. We sure do love you!!!


  1. WOW!!! :) I am SOOOO VERY EXCITED FOR YOU!!! :) it seems like you are having many exciting adventures out there! i miss you! i really wish we could have gotten together when you were here, but perhaps i will just have to come out to you!:)

  2. Seems like you guys have been busy and done some fun things. So excited to hear what your having. Only 4 more days!! Hope you are finally feeling better.

  3. No pictures? You get a C- for lack of creativity! Well, at least you updated, so I guess that's good. But buy a camera and take some pictures! And let us know when you find out what you are having!

  4. Hooray! We definitely need to keep in better touch! I'm so excited for you two and your new little package! Good luck with your move :) - Jenny Smith Bishop

  5. ok, we need to see pregnant pictures of you! start posting girl!!

  6. I love you both (or actually all three of you) so stinkin' much!!! I think of you and hope all is going well!! Love you!!!

  7. AHHH I lost your number. I feel so bad. I was going to call you back at Christmas and I couldn't figure out which one was yours. YEAH on the baby. You will be such a tender and attentive mom. Are you going to be in SLC this summer at all? I guess not if you will be having a baby Ha. When you are around and have a minute please call so I can try to see you. Oh and in August Tiffany Hazelwood is having a ten year party at her house. I just wanted to let you know too.
