Thursday, August 13, 2009

Our Adventures Together

It's official...I've started a blog, no turning back now. I think this will be a great way for Jeff and I to keep in touch with friends and family and to record our adventures together. It may even give me that "feel good" feeling like the one you get after you write in your journal.

For those we haven't been so great at keeping in touch with...Jeff and I met in our student ward December of 2007. Lucky for both of us, in November I was a hair away from taking a job in Maryland, feeling like my life I was stuck in a rut at that point in my life. But it just didn't feel good enough...Now I know why.

Jeff asked me out on our first date in January 2008, and consistently asked me out every weekend thereafter. We had so much fun together and I absolutely loved being with him. He still asks me out every week, we still have tons of fun together, and yes, I still love being with him (even more now than I did then...amazing!). :0) We were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on December 30, 2008.

We lived in Sugarhouse while Jeff finished school and I worked in a pediatric office. Jeff graduated in May and he took a job in Texas (Dallas). Which is where we are now. We have been in Texas for almost 3 months now. It has been both wonderful and challenging to be here in the "great state" of huge rainstorms and kind & generous people. While it does feel somewhat remote from everything that I knew and was comfortable with before, it certainly is not the dust bowl I had envisioned.

Being here in Texas has been an opportunity for Jeff to learn and grow into his career (and for me to learn and grow in job searching). But I shall count my is so nice to be there before he goes to work, welcome him home from work, and have plenty of time to spend with him.

We hope you enjoy our blog as we share life's adventures with you.


  1. Oh yay! I am so glad you started a blog. It is so much fun and fun to keep up with everyone and whats goin on in there lives since we live in CO. I would also have to say that I do get that good feeling after I blog. I Love it!

  2. Ha (That was a quick, excited gasp with a smile)! Kelly! Hooray!

    Kelly you "commented on my blog." Oh my gosh. This is so cool! I don't know if you will get this message unless you look at my blog again...not quite sure how that works. But just wanted to let you know that I am super super happy. Hooray! A kitchen table and the first comment on my blog - all in one day.

    The only thing that would make today even better is...a nap. Yup, that's it. Guess I'll go take a Saturday nap now.

    Life is good and just getting better and better. :0)

  3. Hey this is pretty cool! I have looked at blogs before but this is fun to see with pictures of people we love! Thanks, Trisha!


  4. Love the blog. Hope all is going well with you and Jeff. I would love to see more pictures of Dallas and the fun things you and Jeff are up to. Love you!

  5. What do you mean life is getting "better and better"? Do I hear the pitter patter of little feet in your future? If so, you can kiss your Saturday naps goodbye. Ha ha just kidding. Glad that you guys started a blog. Post some pics of your apartment and the places you frequent. It's fun to get a feel for what you are doing.
