Sunday, July 26, 2015

Why hello again

    I can't believe it has been almost 3 years since I have posted anything. Yet at the same time I can. I mean, blogs are so like 3 years ago anyway right? :)

    A lot has changed over the past 3 years. To sum it up: Elise! She was born April 2013 and she is a joy! Elise is such a happy girl, loves life, and loves music. She is amazing and her little body, determination, resilience, and happy demeanor have taught me so much! I am so lucky to be Ryan's and Elise's mom! I am sure that all of you who actually read this post will be very much aware of Elise's heart condition. So I will spare details for now, although I think I should write a book some day about Elise and our journey with her congenital heart disease.

  We bought a house in Katy Texas in November 2012. Jeff worked for Murphy Oil then, but took a new job (Anadarko) this last December (2014). It is a lot of commuting, but he is enjoying his work and there is hope that the commute will be a bit easier after they finish some construction.

   Ryan turns 5 next month! Five!!! He is such a sweet boy. Jeff has done a marvelous job teaching him about obedience and service (through word and action) and I can tell that Ryan has already developed those traits and it is a part of his personality. It is so cute to be out with him while he rides his scooter or bike - he often stops on the sidewalk to pick up a newspaper and take it to the porch. He really loves water - water balloons, hoses, pools, etc. He loves buttons and all things electronic. He really loves tools and gets a thrill out of watching dad do projects or mow the lawn. We discovered not too long ago that his plastic "saw" works a little better than we thought. But we really wanted to get rid of that old blue couch anyway. :) Ryan also loves mommy time playing board games, play dough, reading books - anything with mom. And I love it too!!!

   I love you Ryan and Elise! I learn so much from being your mom. I am glad you are both so patient with me. Honestly, quite often I still feel like I don't know what I am doing in the parenting department. Glad you both love me anyway. :)      I love you too.

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