Monday, August 10, 2015

Ryan Turns FIVE this week!

I can't believe that our little guy is turning FIVE this week! He is still our little guy. :)

He is so smart, so fun to play board games with, so easy going when playing with friends. He loves all things tools, loves to watch his dad mow the lawn, and loves projects. He has no fear of water at all and loves swimming pools. And water balloons - he could pop them all day and never tire of them. He is getting to be pretty good at riding his scooter and loves collecting sticks outside.

Ryan has quite the sweet tooth (those genes probably come from his mom, or maybe it is a learned thing from mom). His favorite treat is - well, anything sugar. He loves Lunchables (probably because they come with an Oreo). :) He loves tomatoes (especially cherry tomatoes) and cucumbers, and you had better make sure you get pickles on his Subway sandwich. I think he eats a banana almost every day - definitely a favorite fruit - although he really loves watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries.

Lately Ryan loves "The Magic School Bus" (usually his favorite DVD is whatever we have checked out from the library currently). He also loves Land Before Time Dinosaur Movies, Heffalump (Winnie the Pooh), and Berenstein Bears. His favorite books are probably Curious George, although he really loves books, as well as stories from the Friend Magazine. He is a pretty good reader and reads stories to himself now. He pretty much taught himself how to read, although of course I played sight word games with him and he got to play a little Star Fall on grandma's I-pad. He also loves buttons (and pushing them) - it doesn't usually get us into too much trouble. :) Mechanical/physical buttons that is - not mom and dad buttons, although he likes to push those too. :)

His favorite activities lately are play dough, slime, board games, and playing with friends. He likes to hang out with mom too. Yay! So thankful for that! We have lots of fun together! I try to spend some special time with him while Elise takes a nap - it doesn't always happen, but it is so fun when we play Sequence for Kids together, Safari Dominoes, or read books together. He has a best friend who is moving this week but I am certain he will make more close friends. He really does love friends. The other day Ryan invited Elise to have a pretend picnic with him. It was so cute to see them sitting on the Futon together pretending to have a picnic. He is a good big brother and I am proud of the progress he has made in sharing.

Ryan is a thinker. This week he asked me if Heaven is a city. He also asked me about babies as we took dinner to a friend who is expecting, "Mom does the baby make a pop sound when it comes out?" We had a little chat about that since I think he thinks it might be pretty easy, like "out it comes, POP! Why hello little baby." Those aren't his words, just trying to read his cute little mind. Ha ha!

Ryan is also really good at service. He loves to help daddy buy me flowers. He also takes the newspaper up to the porch whenever he sees one on the sidewalk. And lately he always wants to be the one to say the prayer. He prays specifically and remembers lots of people who have special needs. He really does have such a tender heart.

I love you, Ryan!!! You are amazing and we are so happy to be your parents. Thanks for being the sweet, tender-hearted, fun boy that you are! We love you!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Why hello again

    I can't believe it has been almost 3 years since I have posted anything. Yet at the same time I can. I mean, blogs are so like 3 years ago anyway right? :)

    A lot has changed over the past 3 years. To sum it up: Elise! She was born April 2013 and she is a joy! Elise is such a happy girl, loves life, and loves music. She is amazing and her little body, determination, resilience, and happy demeanor have taught me so much! I am so lucky to be Ryan's and Elise's mom! I am sure that all of you who actually read this post will be very much aware of Elise's heart condition. So I will spare details for now, although I think I should write a book some day about Elise and our journey with her congenital heart disease.

  We bought a house in Katy Texas in November 2012. Jeff worked for Murphy Oil then, but took a new job (Anadarko) this last December (2014). It is a lot of commuting, but he is enjoying his work and there is hope that the commute will be a bit easier after they finish some construction.

   Ryan turns 5 next month! Five!!! He is such a sweet boy. Jeff has done a marvelous job teaching him about obedience and service (through word and action) and I can tell that Ryan has already developed those traits and it is a part of his personality. It is so cute to be out with him while he rides his scooter or bike - he often stops on the sidewalk to pick up a newspaper and take it to the porch. He really loves water - water balloons, hoses, pools, etc. He loves buttons and all things electronic. He really loves tools and gets a thrill out of watching dad do projects or mow the lawn. We discovered not too long ago that his plastic "saw" works a little better than we thought. But we really wanted to get rid of that old blue couch anyway. :) Ryan also loves mommy time playing board games, play dough, reading books - anything with mom. And I love it too!!!

   I love you Ryan and Elise! I learn so much from being your mom. I am glad you are both so patient with me. Honestly, quite often I still feel like I don't know what I am doing in the parenting department. Glad you both love me anyway. :)      I love you too.