Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Picture(s) of the week

Pictures of the week. Well...last week actually

Squeezing in a Sunday afternoon nap together

Ryan loves when Jeff plays with him, like when he whistles I'm so Glad When Daddy Comes Home. But he does not love when Jeff moos like a cow.

He is all smiles after a good night's rest (yes, even during diaper changes)

Our little farmer. Adorable in overalls, isn't he? I think it makes him look a little older though. It almost makes me sad how quickly he is growing and changing.

He is happy when he knows it is time for a walk. Lately we've had to cover the stroller with the mosquito net. Those smart mosquitoes - sometimes an occasional one or two will still get in.

Just relaxing on the couch.

We enjoyed conference online (yes - Mormon Tabernacle Choir is on the computer monitor behind Ryan). Ryan was actually pretty good during conference. And it is such a blessing to be able to go back and listen to parts we may have missed and soon to be able to read them in the Ensign. I know that we can receive answers to questions and prayers as we listen to and study the words of the prophets. What a blessing!!! I hope that Jeff and I will be able to teach Ryan to love and follow the prophets.

I looked at the window and what did I see?

A gecko (?) staring back at me. I tried desperately to help it get back outside by using paper and a plastic cup. Nope- it was determined to find its own way out. Well, as I chased it, it finally ended up on Jeff's shoe that was by the door - so we just set his shoe out on the porch that night. The next day I asked Jeff, "So were there any surprises when you put your shoe on this morning?" To which he replied, "No." And I laughed. I had to include this picture for Jeff's sister, Carrie. Love you Carrie!

We hope everyone is well & that all y'all enjoyed conference as much as we did.


  1. Haha I love the picture of his sad face! They are so cute when they have a sad face. He looks adorable in his overalls, too. He is growing fast! It is sad to see them grow so fast.

  2. Oh, cute little Ryan! He is growing so fast. Thanks for posting all the pics. I love blogs! Obviously I would rather see him grow up in person, but since I can't it is so nice to be able to see him change and grow week by week. I am so excited to see you guys around Christmas!

  3. man he's a cutey!! :) love the napping pics:)
    i miss you trisha! i do!

    ps guess who i have a date with on sat....?:)

  4. He is cute Trish!! I agree with Kelly, it would be nicer to see him in person, but it is nice to have blogs so we can at least see the cute pictures. Looks like you guys are doing well. I wish I could come visit... when the bug go away! Guess I'll have to wait.
