Sunday, September 30, 2012

Catching up on the last 7 months

This is Jeff writing this time.  It has been a very long time since we updated the blog (we will do better in the future).  We will try to hit the main points without making this post go on forever.

A lot has happened since March.  I was keeping up with the usual - school and work, while Ryan and Trisha were enjoying their time in Corpus Christi in Corpus Christi.  In June, we all went home for Jeff's sister (Robyn's) wedding.  We were very excited for Robyn and John and also enjoyed getting to see everyone.

Jeff's family playing rock band together

                                                               Ryan listens to some tunes

Right around that time, I was recruited by a former co-worker to go interview for a job in Houston.  I got the job, accepted it, and now we're here.  We sold our house in Corpus Christi very quickly, which was a huge blessing.  We had the offer on the house less than a week after it went up on the market.  I enjoyed my 2 weeks off while I was between jobs (it lined up exactly with the Olympics), and then we headed up to Houston.

Jeff and Trisha visit the Houston temple during Jeff's interview trip in Houston
Jeff's friend Sean (the one who recruited him for his new job) has a miniature schnouser named "Moki".  Ryan now has a new best friend.
Ryan enjoyed all facets of moving - especially packing.
I am not sure how many cities we will live in during our lifetimes, but I can say for sure that Corpus Christi will always have a special place in our hearts.  It is the longest we have lived anywhere as a married couple (2 1/2 years).  It was also where we bought our first house and where Ryan was born.  Trisha will miss the young women, and we we all will miss the beach, our house on Angelwing and our friends there.

Now it's onto the big city of Houston.  We are currently living in temporary housing while we look for a house.  Mr. Ryan has been a real trooper through this whole process.  We have taken a lot of trips between Houston, Corpus Christi and San Antonio in the last 6 weeks.  I spend a fair bit of time down "in the field" in Southcentral Texas, which means travel to San Antonio.  Fortunatley, it is a nice hotel and Ryan and Trisha are usually able to come with. 

Trisha and Ryan got an extra special treat and were able to spend a week in Utah this month.  Ryan especially enjoyed getting to see his grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins. 

Whew - that was a flyby of the last 7 months.  Now with the current stuff.  We are still looking for a house.  It is taking some time, but we have a really good realtor who is helping us out.  Trisha and I just got callings in our ward - we will be helping out in the nursery.  It may have something to do with the facts that Ryan is kind of fussy and we will probably only be in the ward for another month or two, but we are happy to help wherever we can help.

We also took our first trip today to the Cinco Ranch Alzeheimer's Center to volunteer.  We plan to make it a weekly tradition.  The people there of course loved to see Ryan and I played the piano for them.

We will get some more pictures up soon.  I realized as I was typing this that the movers packed the cord that allows the camera to attach to the computer so I wasn't able to post as many photos as I would liked to have.  Best wishes to everyone - we will do another update soon!