Wednesday, June 16, 2010

105 and still smiling (most of the time)

I was able to go home for my brother Jason's sealing in the St George Temple (end of May). It was so good to see everyone!!! I just love my family!

The sealing was beautiful - I just couldn't keep the tears back as I thought of my family and how much I love them, how thankful I am for temples, and how true the words & advice of the sealer were. I'm so glad that I could be there.

Congratulations Jason!

Jason and his beautiful wife, Audrie

Audrie and her son, Kyle

My mom and my cute aunt Janet

My brother, Bryce, and his daughter, Breckyn (somehow I didn't get a picture with his wife in it...Sorry Kel)

Darling Breckyn

My brother, Darren, and his family (Alison, Edison, & Luke)

My sister, Tara, and her husband, Ben

My cousin, Kimberlee, & her fiance, Simon

I am so excited for Jason! He has such a big heart. I don't know that I know very many guys that love little kids as much as he does. He always has a hard time leaving my nephews when he comes into town from St George & it's time to go again. He will be such a good dad & I am just thrilled for him!

How did I miss getting pictures of my dad, and little brother, Todd? Oops! I think I was worried about stepping on the photographer's toes while he was trying to get candid shots of us.

While in Salt Lake I got to spend some time with my mom shopping for some baby items, going to my grandparents' graves in Eden, helping my sister-in-law with her kids & moving, and spending time with my sister (and her awesome Cricuit machine).

Both Jeff's family and my family threw baby showers for me (of course I forgot to get pictures). It was so nice of them!!! Everyone was so generous! I got lots of cute baby clothes! I'm convinced that he will be one of the best-dressed and most handsome babies around. :)

One last picture...Before touring my sister's new house my family met at In-N-Out for dinner. This picture of my nephew was too cute not to post.

It was good to come home to Jeff. 10 days was a long time to be apart! But I am glad I did it, since I don't know when I will get to go out there again (probably Christmas). It was so much fun to be with my family (& his).

It's good to be with Jeff again. He makes me laugh and he is my best friend. I don't know that I'm happy to be in 105 degree weather with the beetles, but, happy to be home with Jeff - yes...Honey, I love you, and I if it means I get to be with you then I'll take the 105 degree weather and even the beetles. Can't promise that I won't complain, but I'll try not to. :)