Friday, May 14, 2010


At the beginning of my pregnancy I had a hard time gaining weight and was a little concerned. My 1st OB (in Dallas) assured me, "Don't worry. It will come." At the same time he said that by week 20 he would want me to have gained 10lbs, and by week 16 I had only gained one.

Well - he was right, it would come...My new OB laughed at my appointment this week (27 weeks now) when she saw the huge jump in my weight gain from the last appointment a month ago and said, "Well, just like little kids can have growth spurts...your baby can have growth spurts in utero too."

So we were shopping at Home Depot this week for hurricane preparedness stuff when this energetic Jamaican with dreadlocks stopped dead in his tracks as he passed us. He stood in a wide squatting stance, pointed at my stomach and shouted rhetorically, "Oh my gosh! Is that a baby in there?!?" "Is it a boy or a girl?" Apparently I was looking especially big that day. After finding out that it is a boy he jumped about 2 feet in the air and yelled, "YES!!!" I think he could tell that his enthusiasm surprised us a little, as well as everyone else in the aisle. Before walking away he said, "Don't worry I would've been that excited if it was a girl too." I think he was more excited than Jeff was when Jeff found out - not that Jeff wasn't excited...maybe just not quite so hyped up on caffeine? We laughed and laughed about it for a few days.

This Mother's Day was so special as I could feel our little guy kicking and moving around in there. I'm so thankful to be able to be a mother - it is my greatest desire. I also felt very sensitive and aware of those who long to have children and haven't yet had the opportunity. A woman in our ward gave a talk on Mother's Day who has been trying for years to have children. She taught a few principles about motherhood that I learned so much from. This year I'm so thankful for all of the past, present, and future moms who have taught me so much. And I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father has entrusted us with our little guy. I can't wait to meet him!

Happy belated Mother's Day, mom and Dana.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The joys of...a camera!

We finally bought a new camera. Hooray! Lots has happened over the past 2 months. I apologize that I haven't been posting consistently - but it's kind of boring to read through lengthy posts without pictures, right?

This last week Jeff had a business trip in Houston. I really didn't want to be home alone working on house projects over our birthdays. So I went with him! It was SO much fun! A few guys from his work (and school) that he is friends with. Two of them brought their wives, and one brought her kids. Us wives had a blast while they were in class all day, and then we partied with them once they got to the hotel in the evenings.

Monday we went to the Houston Zoo. That night we went to an "alumni dinner" for Jeff at a pizza place. Later Jeff and I went for a walk, and stopped at Sonic where I tried my first pineapple limeade (that I had heard was delicious). It's true - they are delicious. Then our friends that were there for training surprised us with ice cream cake in our hotel room. cream twice in one day? No wonder I am gaining weight so quickly now.

Tuesday we went to the Houston Space Museum. Very cool.

Wednesday we went the kids to a park with teeter-totters! Too bad they are quickly becoming extinct. So fun! That night we went to Kemah boardwalk, which was beautiful. We ate at Saltgrass Steakhouse that night - Jeff even shared salmon with me! :)

Thursday I got to go to the Houston temple. It was so nice!!! The San Antonio temple is closest to Corpus Christi, and it takes us 2 & 1/2 hours to get there. If you want to do endowments on a Saturday you have to book an appointment. Truth is, it is wonderful to have to work a little harder to get to the temple. And I'm oh so thankful that we have one close enough for a day trip!